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Practice Areas

1Permanent Resident Card
1Spouse Visa
1Fiancée Visa
1V Visa
1U visas
1VAWA (Domestic Violence)
1Work permits
1I-601 & I-601A Waivers
1Travel documents
1Deferred Action for Young Childhood 1Arrivals (DACA)
1Immigration Reform News

Deportation Help
bDeferred Inspection
bImmigration Relief
bBond Hearing
bAppeals and Petitions for Review

bImmigration News

Legal Resources

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The materials on this web site are provided for informational purposes only. The use of information contained on this web site does not constitute the offering of legal advice and accordingly, neither this web site nor use of information from the web site creates an attorney-client relationship.

The law is constantly changing and the information contained herein may not necessarily be complete or correct on the date of access and accuracy depends on the date of the generated information and its application to your particular legal problem: Each legal problem requires that it be addressed on its own set of facts and different jurisdictions observe different laws and regulations.

You should not act or rely on any information on this web site without seeking the advice of a competent, licensed immigration attorney. The Law Offices of Raul Ray makes no representation nor warranty that materials on this web site are appropriate or available for use in jurisdictions other than the United States of America and accessing them from jurisdictions where their content is illegal is strictly prohibited.

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This web site contains links to other resources on the Internet. Those links are provided solely as aids to assist you in locating other Internet resources that may be of interest to you, and as such, the inclusion of these links are not intended to state nor imply that the Law Offices of Raul Ray sponsors or is in any way affiliated or associated with such linked sites.

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